Armenian experts visit Czech Republic - Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic
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null Armenian experts visit Czech Republic
Armenian experts visit Czech Republic
1. 11. 2021
The experts visited České Švýcarsko National Park, and three protected landscape areas – Jizerské hory, České středohoří and Český ráj. Informative meetings were organized also at the Czech Ministry of Environment and Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic.
"We are ready to provide our best knowledge and experience in nature conservation to our Armenian colleagues. The biggest challenge for nature conservation lies in implementation of the law and thus in institutional and professional development. I believe this study trip is an important milestone in our long-lasting cooperation with Armenia and further exchange of professionals, knowledge and ideas will follow,“ stated Mr. František Pelc, director of the Czech Nature Conservation Agency.
Tourism management, forest restoration and use of legislation in practice were the main discussed themes during the study tour. In addition, technologies and measures securing fish migration on rivers were presented, since this is one of the pressing issues in Armenia. Director of Zangezur Biosphere Complex SNCO, Mr. Arman Mkrtchyan, expressed his feelings as follows: “For me, the most inspiring thing of the Czech approach to nature conservation was the detailed monitoring and mapping activities carried out by them, which may also be applicable in Armenia. I was surprised by the caring attitude people showed towards nature, the approach and care that the people and employees of the protected areas displayed to nature, as well as community engagement in nature conservation."
The week-long study tour was organised as part of the Twinning project „Enhancing biodiversity conservation in Armenia“ run by a Czech-Finnish-Armenian consortium. The project is financed by the European Union. Its main goal is to enhance the legislation for biodiversity conservation in Armenia. The participants of the study tour were from the Republic of Armenia Ministry of Environment, the Zangezur Biosphere Complex SNCO and the State Museum of Nature of Armenia.