First Ever Joint Statement on Climate Change and Biodiversity - Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic
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null First Ever Joint Statement on Climate Change and Biodiversity
First Ever Joint Statement on Climate Change and Biodiversity
5. 11. 2021
„Protected areas protect not only natural and landscape diversity, but they also help to mitigate risks resulted from climate change. It has been proved in these difficult times, that our nature and our landscapes cannot be seen only as a source for food supply. And this is the reason, why it makes sense to restore our mixed forests, return paths and hadgerows to our unified agricultural landscapes, return straightened creeks and rivers back to nature. I believe, we will be able to add the area of the Morava and the Dyje rivers confluence, as well as Krusne hory Mountains to our large scale protected landscape areas, and we will be able to declare Krivoklatsko a new national park. It is our honor to be part of the global family of protected areas and support this statement,“ said Frantisek Pelc, director of the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic.
The statement clearly articulates the role of protected areas to accelerate the positive impact of their collective work. Specifically, a commitment to:
Focus on aspects of our work that drive scale of impact and benefit, including:
- Collaborate and exchange knowledge internationally,
- Lever and build our connections with billions of people (visitors and supporters) and communities to inspire behavioural change,
- Support a global movement for the deployment and implementation of nature-based solutions at scale, and
- Inspire and enable those working outside the protected landscapes by linking with initiatives outside our boundaries and sharing our experiences.
Founding signatories to the statement include:
- Bureau of Land Management (USA)
- Centre for National Parks and Protected Areas
- EUROPARC Federation
- European Ranger Federation
- Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
- Israel Nature and Parks Authority
- Korea National Park Service
- The National Association for Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (USA)
- National Park Service (USA)
- National Parks UK
- Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic
- NatureScot
- New South Wales National Parks & Wildlife Service
- Nigeria National Park Service
- Parks and Wildlife Finland
- Parks Australia
- Parks Canada
- Sabah Parks
- Quebec-Labrador Foundation/Atlantic Center for the Environment
- South African National Parks
- US Bureau of Reclamation
- US Fish and Wildlife Service
- US Forest Service
- World Urban Parks